The Engagement...VENUE: Lorna's resident at Kampung Labuaya, Tuaran, Sabah. Dony proposed to Lorna on 18 February 1997. We were engaged on 1 March 1998. We know, we know, that's like ages ago. But as they say, "Better late than never!" It is sad, but true -- we unfortunately didn't take that many pictures of us during our engagement :( We are still trying to track down the video that was taken that day; we hope it's not lost. If we find it, we will convert it to digital format and hopefully can share it with you in our Multimedia section. We're keeping our fingers crossed! Below are the only two photos taken of us both.
On to the engagement itself. In a nutshell, we more or less followed the Kadazan/Dusun tradition where parties from both sides of the family come together to negotiate the terms and conditions of marriage and to fix the wedding dowry. However, it was a very simple and modernised event and not as tedious as the original engagement tradition. |