The Ceremony...VENUE: The Sacred Heart Chapel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. ~ Despite a few minor glitches (misplaced wedding rings and flower offerings, caterer missing in action) and an excruciatingly annoying display of rudeness from a grumpy old choir lady before the start of the ceremony, we had a wonderful and intimate traditional Catholic nuptial mass together with our family and friends. The chapel was beautiful and just nice for a crowd of about 60 people. The ceremony was followed by a 15-minute photo taking session, and after that to the nearby old St. Francis school hall for refreshments. For snapshots of the wedding ceremony, take a look at our Wedding Photo collection under the Multimedia section. We have also followed up with video clips of this memorable affair. Details of our ceremony will be put up sometime later. Except for the old lady, we would like to thank all our family and friends who stuck by us with their cheerfulness and understanding.