info #
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| Wedding Booklet: We designed the booklet which we
then used as our Order of Service. Although the cover is written in English,
our Order of Service was in Malay language. The verse written on the cover
is a classic Bible wedding verse taken from the book of Mark, chapter 10,
verses 6 to 9.
| Invitation Card: We received 150 blank,
complimentary invitation cards from Promenade
Hotel where we held our reception. These were definitely helpful in
trimming our budget for the whole affair. All we had to do was to print out
the inserts and response slips, and even then we had a lot more extra cards
left unused. The three-fold card was simple and does its purpose; both the
envelope and the card are in pale pink, with the words "Jemputan
Perkahwinan" (which means Wedding Invitation in English) embossed in
gold. We'll have a snapshot photo of the invitation card scanned in and
ready for your viewing pleasure some time soon.
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