Updates Log
Thursday, 22 March, 2001
More photos added into our Wedding
Photo collection under the Multimedia section.
There are 6 new images, making it 25 wedding photos on-line altogether.
Saturday, 17 March, 2001
We've put in bits and pieces of detail on what happened during our engagement
and wedding reception. There is much more that what
has been told, so these sections are continuously under construction until we
have nothing left to say about them :) We've also added 15 more photos under our Wedding
Photo collection, finally.
Wednesday, 14 March, 2001
Lots of our updates happen in our Multimedia section, so check those stuff out.Some of our
Wedding Clips
are now available in streaming format. In our Studio
Photos collection, we also removed a total of 14 images so only photos of us
couples are left in the pages. Hopefully this will provide more web space for us
to add more goodies into our Wedding and
Reception Photos collection later on. And finally, we've added a thing or
two-or-three in the Goodies collection to include our
Wedding Booklet and Invitation Card. More are on the works, so please stay
Sent: Thursday, 30 November, 2000 10:08 AM
To: 'donylorna@hotmail.com'
Subject: Dony & Lorna's Wed site: Update 30 November 2000
Thank you all for taking the time to visit our site. So, what do we have in store currently? Most of the updates can be found in our Multimedia gallery.
Before we go on, we'd like to inform you that we have been experiencing technical problems accessing our Tripod account at https://donylorna.tripod.com/. Therefore, we created a mirror site in Geocities at http://www.geocities.com/donylorna/. You may bookmark both of these sites as we try to put up the latest info as exact as possible for both of em.
Now, let's get on with the show...
+ We updated the Ceremony section with a little bit more info. We've yet to put in the details of the event, and we'll try to do so probably mid-Dec.
+ We have successfully attempted to convert our video into downloadable clips for your viewing pleasure. 5 clips in all, focused on the wedding ceremony. Check it out in our Video collection under the Multimedia section. We'll get the reception clips up by week's end. To be safe, you'll need the latest Windows Media Player (at least version 7) to view them. You'll also need Winzip if you decide to download the clip. We'll get the streaming version of these clips ready by end of the week also.
+ Currently we only have 4 photos scanned in and uploaded into our Photos collection under the Multimedia section. Most of the photos are already in our albums, so it'll be a load of work trying to scan the photos already inside the albums.
That is it for now. We'll keep you in the know as new things pop up in our site.
Thanks again and God bless.
Dony & Lorna